Video Much Ado About Article II

Town Hall Reminder We are providing a reminder that a Town Hall meeting is scheduled on March 27, 2024, at 8:00 PM to discuss the Article II amendments to be voted upon at the June virtual General Assembly. Pre-registration is required. Please review the other upcoming Town Hall Meetings. You can request to have this … Read more

UU the Conversation

The Fifth Principle Project is supporting a new campaign entitled UU the Conversation, which has initiated a national conversation on Article II.  This campaign is a grassroots initiative by UUs to engage UUs nationwide in a conversation about the changes and implications of the proposed Article II language. A vote is scheduled at the virtual … Read more

Support Kate Rohde GoFundMe

The Fifth Principle Project is appealing to its membership to support Rev. Kate Rohde’s GoFundMe request. Kate explains the reason behind her GoFundMe program in her January 1, 2024, posting on the Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism. She wrote The Unitarian Universalist Church was once my home. Now, after the church stripped me of my … Read more

Certification Needed to Send Delegates to GA

In order to send delegates to the upcoming June 2024 General Assembly, your congregation will need to submit its annual certification to the UUA. See the announcement below. With the important vote on Article II on this year’s agenda, we are encouraging all concerned UUs to be aware of the steps needed to send delegates. … Read more

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

At the Fifth Principle Project, we wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. This season is a time for joy and celebration—a time for family and gratitude. We are very grateful for the support of our 792 members, a membership that makes the Fifth Principle Project among the largest member organizations in the UU … Read more

Financial Times Article

On December 9, 2023, Jemima Kelly published an online Financial Times article entitled “The culture wars dividing America’s most liberal church.” Follow this link to PDF version The article is the first known coverage by a prestigious outlet on the turmoil that has roiled Unitarian Universalism. As a result, it is less an analysis and … Read more

Article II – Appeal to Ministers

With the permission of Rev. Trudeau, we are publishing his video appeal to his ministerial colleagues to inform them of the vote on Article II scheduled for the upcoming June 2024 virtual General Assembly. We have provided a transcript of Rev. Trudeau’s video message. You can share the video URL or transcript on your social … Read more

Meddlesome Priest

With the Ministerial Fellowship Committee’s (MFC) new definition of UU ministry, our denomination has slipped the bonds of liberalism into the realm of dogma and creed. Continuing the implementation of the UUA Board’s objective to dismantle white supremacy culture, the MFC now demands that UU ministry “reflects commitments to anti-oppression, collective liberation, and ongoing learning.” … Read more

Reminder Townhall Forum Nov 16

Reminder to Register for Townhall Forum The Fifth Principle Project will host a Townhall Forum to allow UUs to share their thoughts on the proposed Article II language. Date: Thursday, November 16, 2023 Time: 8:00 PM Eastern, 7:00 PM Central, 6:00 PM Mountain, 5:00 PM Pacific Duration: 75 – 90 minutes Pre-registration is required. Pre-register … Read more

Release of Article II Language

The Article II Study Commission released its final version on October 31, 2023 of Article II language which will be presented to the UUA Board of Trustees for approval (expected) and then presented at the June 2024 General Assembly for a final vote. A two-thirds vote of congregational delegates will be required for adoption. You … Read more