Reminder: Meet the Author

Reminder: Register to Meet the Author A reminder that the Fifth Principle Project is sponsoring a Meet the Author forum on the new book Against Illiberalism A critique of illiberal trends in liberal institutions with a focus on Unitarian Universalism by David Cycleback.  The forum is scheduled for Friday, September 16 at 8:00 pm Eastern. To … Read more

Against Illiberalism – Meet the Author

The Fifth Principle Project is sponsoring a Meet the Author forum on the new book Against Illiberalism A critique of illiberal trends in liberal institutions with a focus on Unitarian Universalism by David Cycleback.  The forum is scheduled for Friday, September 16 at 8:00 pm Eastern. To receive a link to this Zoom forum, please register … Read more

I Want a Divorce

We have seen a sentiment expressed in comments recently that people are so frustrated with our UU leadership that they just want out. Some long-time UUs have already resigned their memberships in their home congregations. At the Fifth Principle Project, we fully understand this urge to finalize a divorce with UUism, but we urge people … Read more

Update from GA on Article II Study Commission

Update on GA Elections Neither petition candidate was successful in their bid to win a seat on the UUA Board of Trustees. Rebecca Mattis, a UUA Board candidate, will provide a reflection in the next Fifth Principle Discussion post. About the Article II Study Commission At the Portland General Assembly, the Commission provided information on … Read more

Meeting with Article II Study Commission

Shortly after the UUA Board of Trustees established the Article II Study Commission charging it “to revise, replace, or restructure” all sections of Article II, the Fifth Principle Project requested to be a stakeholder. The Board identified other stakeholders such as DRUMM, BLUU, TRUUst, UU Humanists, 8th and 1st Principles advocates. Fifteen months later, we … Read more

Update on Election Campaign

It has been about two weeks since it was announced here that Beverly Seese and Rebecca Mattis have been placed on the ballot for UUA Trustee positions at this year’s Portland / Virtual General Assembly. We ask that you visit Beverly’s and Rebecca’s campaign websites to learn more of their campaigns. We have a few … Read more

Announcing Two Candidates for the UUA Board

Two Candidates Qualified for UUA Trustee Election Two candidates, Beverly Seese and Rebecca Mattis have qualified to be placed on the ballot at this year’s Portland, Oregon General Assembly (June 22 – 26) for UUA Board of Trustee positions.  Using the UUA bylaws’ provision to run by petition, there will again be actual elections for board … Read more

Against Illiberalism

Against Illiberalism, A critique of illiberal trends in liberal institutions, with a focus on neoracist ideology in Unitarian Universalism by David Cycleback (ברוך בן אברהם ושרה) Comment from the Fifth Principle Project We are presenting the following Discussion by David Cycleback, a Jewish philosopher and cognitive scientist, as a Guest Contributor. David’s paper is thoughtful, well written … Read more

Unitarian Universalist Theocracy

“The church hates a thinker precisely for the same reason that a robber dislikes a sheriff . . .” Robert Ingersoll, American lawyer and writer From Used to be UU Chapter 4, COIC: Scope and Implications Administrative or Theological Center Less obvious in a reading of the Widening the Circle of Concern is the intent … Read more