Call to Action on General Assembly

This article was originally distributed by UU the Conversation. We are a growing constituency of everyday UUs concerned that our UUA leadership is pursuing significant changes to Article II without UUs being fully aware of the implications for our faith. We are urging delegates to vote NO on the proposed Article II language. A No … Read more


Results of Mini-Assembly  Below are the results of the June 3, 2024 Mini-Assembly.  Approximately 240 people participated and voted on two amendments to the General Assembly Rules of Procedure. One amendment passed that allows the sponsor of a proposition the “last word” after the close of the Pro/Con discussion. This amendment will now be voted … Read more

Town Hall Tomorrow, June 1, 2PM EST

Hello, Please remember to join us at 2 PM EST on Saturday, June 1, to get ready for General Assembly.  There is so much at stake, this year.  You can help even if you are not a Delegate.  We will learn about Rev. Rick Hoyt-McDaniels’ “Six Arguments Against the Article II Revision.”  We’ll learn about … Read more

Rev. Dr. Betancourt Doubles Down

We at the Fifth Principle Project feel it is critical for UU’s to understand what leadership is saying about UUism and the kind of reasoning they employ to say it. Hence, a second post regarding Rev. Dr. Betancourt’s disparaging remarks on our first principle. We wrote to Rev. Dr. Betancourt (see attached below) asking her … Read more

Misinformation from Rev. Dr. Betancourt

Our First Principle Has an Evil Source At a recent event held by the UU Women’s Federation, the Rev. Dr. Sofia Bentancourt, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association, responding to a question about the role of the UUA in the current controversies over abortion, used the occasion to condemn our first principle with misinformation about its … Read more

Congregational Independence is About to Vanish by Erik P. Bloomfield

About the Author Mr. Bloomberg is Managing Member of Allegiant Capital, PLLC, a financial services firm located in Dearborn, Michigan providing planning, asset and risk management for individuals and business entities. He is also Managing Member of Impact Arms, LLC, a Federal Firearms Licensee located in Grosse Ile, Michigan devoted to supplying sportsmen and competitive shooters … Read more

Does UU Environmentalism Still Matter?

Does UU Environmentalism Still Matter? Article II and Amendment 52 – An Unexpected Change Guest Contributor Rebecca Pace The wording of the final proposed Article II language, up for a vote at the June 2024 General Assembly (GA), contains an unexpected change. The proposed Value of Interdependence, positioned to replace the current Seventh Principle regarding … Read more

Update on National Article II Conversation

Two weeks ago, on March 13, the Fifth Principle Project supported an effort by a coalition of UUs, known as UU the Conversation, in their mass mailing to UU congregations and local congregational leaders. The UU the Conversation email was sent to approximately 1,700 email addresses. The email asked individuals to join a national conversation … Read more

Video Much Ado About Article II

Town Hall Reminder We are providing a reminder that a Town Hall meeting is scheduled on March 27, 2024, at 8:00 PM to discuss the Article II amendments to be voted upon at the June virtual General Assembly. Pre-registration is required. Please review the other upcoming Town Hall Meetings. You can request to have this … Read more

UU the Conversation

The Fifth Principle Project is supporting a new campaign entitled UU the Conversation, which has initiated a national conversation on Article II.  This campaign is a grassroots initiative by UUs to engage UUs nationwide in a conversation about the changes and implications of the proposed Article II language. A vote is scheduled at the virtual … Read more