Call to Action on General Assembly

This article was originally distributed by UU the Conversation.

We are a growing constituency of everyday UUs concerned that our UUA leadership is pursuing significant changes to Article II without UUs being fully aware of the implications for our faith. We are urging delegates to vote NO on the proposed Article II language. A No vote is now the only way that UUs can continue the conversation on the direction of our denomination—a conversation that was promised but never delivered by UU leadership.

The reality is that a vote is just a few weeks away on June 22, but far too many UUs do not yet understand the far-reaching impacts Article II will have on our liberal religion.

It is now time for concerned UUs to fully engage in the vote on Article II.

Much is at Stake

For example, the proposed Article II eliminates a foundation of liberal thought. . . “individual freedom of belief.”

The removal from the purpose of the Association to “serve the needs of its member congregations” sets the stage for a structural change of power away from congregations towards Boston, a real threat to our congregational independence.

What Can I Do?

Your active participation in this upcoming June vote is needed now. There are many ways to make your voice heard.

  • The most direct impact you have is to become a delegate. You must contact your congregational leaders to be designated as a delegate.  This is an all-online, virtual General Assembly. Business Delegates can attend for free or make a donation.
  • If you are a fully paid GA attendee (whether a delegate or not), visit our Platinum Level Sponsorship booth and comment on the General Assembly app Whova. You will need to download the app from online stores for free.
  • Add comments to an online forum called You do not need to be registered for General Assembly to comment, but you must register on the forum. It’s free. This forum is the only UUA-sponsored forum for discussion.
  • Participate in UU the Conversation General Assembly Meet-Up Sessions. Anyone can participate. See this link for dates and times.
  • When the opportunity presents itself, speak at the mic during GA
  • Visit our website, UU the Conversation, to watch and then share informative videos. Among our newest videos is Six Arguments Against Article II.

Can the Adoption of Article II be Stopped?

Your participation must equal the magnitude of the proposed changes. The proposed changes with emphasis on covenant and accountability will impact you. The attempted shift of power to Boston will impact your congregation.

Only 1/3 of the General Assembly delegates are needed to vote No to stop these changes. It is a doable objective but will require you and other UUs to work actively together.

Let’s hit the PAUSE Button and vote NO so we can have an in-depth dialogue about the nature and direction of our faith that we have thus far been denied.

UU the Conversation

Due to our Platinum Level Sponsorship, we were able to run this advertisement in the General Assembly June 7 mass email to all registrants.








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David E Wadleigh
David E Wadleigh
8 months ago

I just haven’t got the resources, the money, the time, the energy, to struggle any more with the radicals at the UUA. I’m by no means privileged and over the past decade the UUA has gone from being a comfort and support to me to just incessantly causing me grief and dismay at every opportunity. I need to focus now on what I can do by myself for myself and my family with the years I have left and my reduced capabilities. Mostly, I go back to not expecting any kind of good to come from organized religion.

David E Wadleigh
David E Wadleigh
8 months ago

For a while, Unitarian Universalism was the exception, but now that has been ruined and the organization has extinguished everything, or is in the process of doing so, which was good about the liberal religion we had.

John Miller
8 months ago

Always remember that the UUA is not Unitarian Universalism. It is an Association of churches, and nothing more. (And maybe soon to be much, much less!)

8 months ago

Great job! I love the ad, especially the illustration. So much info conveyed with an eye-catching design and text! <3 As always, you are going well above and beyond for Unitarian Universalism – thank you. From what I’ve seen, we definitely have a chance to pull this off. We’re fighting to win!

I Think We Might Be Lost

Weve been making videos about the changes over on youtube. Check them out and pass then around.

We are congregants and converts. And we.are trying are best to actually have discussion. Maybe we can have guests on to share their perspective too??

Rebecca Pace
Rebecca Pace
8 months ago

I enjoyed your video. Thanks

8 months ago

Thanks for the video. The idea that the alt-right has infiltrated UU is so ridiculous that it is laughable. UU would be the very last church a Steve Bannon supporter would want to join.

That a few ordained UU ministers are making these accusations is embarrassing.

Mark Flanagan
Mark Flanagan
7 months ago

No more may gulls cry at their ears
Or waves break loud on the seashores;
Where blew a flower may a flower no more
Lift its head to the blows of the rain;
Though they be mad and dead as nails,
Heads of the characters hammer through daisies;
Break in the sun till the sun breaks down (Dylan Thomas 1943)