Left vs Left

Left vs. Left: What’s Happening Here Ain’t Exactly Clear By Ken Ing, Guest Contributor We welcome back Ken Ing as a Guest Contributor with his most insightful video Left vs. Left: What’s Happening Here Ain’t Exactly Clear. We introduce this video with Ken’s own words. This talk is not intended to be focused on Unitarian … Read more

A Response to Rev. Cecilia Kingman’s GA 2023 “Berry Street Essay” by Dick Burkhart

Link to the original recording and text by Cecilia Kingman Reading this essay, I quickly concluded that Unitarian Universalist (UU) minister Cecilia Kingman was not chosen for her erudition on fascism, especially in its current North American context, let alone in UU circles. Fascist tactics from the far Right are in-your-face on the national scene … Read more

Why The UUA is Doomed to Fail in Its Goals, by David Cycleback

The Unitarian Universalist Association leadership is attempting to both increase general UU membership and greatly increase racial minority membership. While the goals are admirable, the UUA’s approach is ill-conceived and likely to fail. David Cycleback Ph.D. is a cognitive scientist and philosopher and a member of the British Royal Institute of Philosophy. Jewish, he attends … Read more

Frank Casper on Article II

Apparently many feel that AI is just too removed from the issues and the feelings concerning them. Here is the alternative.   Two Important Things Subscribe to Comments Subscribe to comments to follow the comments from other readers. Join the Fifth Principle Project. It’s free. The Fifth Principle Project is an organic grassroots initiative to … Read more

The True Believers: By David Cycleback

Unitarian Universalism is in Danger of Becoming Just Another Church ( David Cycleback Ph.D. (ברוך בן אברהם ושרה) is a cognitive scientist and philosopher specializing in brain function and its relationship to knowledge, beliefs, and behavior. He is Director of Center for Artifact Studies, a member of the British Royal Institute of Philosophy, and the … Read more

What We Have Here is a Failure to Communicate

The exchange that follows is a good companion piece to Rebecca Pace’s article on the inability of UU leadership to follow the covenants they form. It shows how ministers who have swallowed the UUA kool-aid are not, for that reason, listening to the members of their own congregations.  This is an email exchange between long-time … Read more

Covenants Are for Everyone but the UUA

We at the Fifth Principle Project have always maintained that the idea of “covenant” to the UUA is about disciplining the rank and file and the congregations when they in any way disagree with the UUA. This article from Rebecca Pace is a case in point. Perhaps the youth involved in the effort described here … Read more

Open Letter to the UUA Board of Trustees

Continuing with the Fifth Principle Project’s sharing of the experiences of some attendees of the recent 2023 General Assembly, we now add another experience from a long-time UU leader, Mr. Stephen Myles. He shares his experience in a letter to the UUA Board of Trustees. Letter from Stephen Myles: Including exchange with Board Members   … Read more