Used to Be UU

Used to Be UU Our book is now available on The book contains three sections, History, Theology, and Governance that provide the authors’ analyses of current trends in UUism. The changes to UUism have not been hidden but have been invisible to most UUs.  That invisibility is due to our natural focus on our … Read more

Unfortunate Public Response

We have become aware that a UU minister posted a video on YouTube entitled “Don’t Trust the Fifth Principle Project!”  The video accuses the founders of the Fifth Principle Project of deception. Without citing any evidence, it is alleged that the Fifth Principle Project’s purpose to reinvigorate our faith in the democratic process within our … Read more

Updates from the Fifth Principle Project

Petition Submitted The petition for Jay Kiskel, co-founder of the Fifth Principle Project, to be a candidate for a position on the UUA Board of Trustees has been submitted. At the 2021 June virtual General Assembly, new board members will be presented. We urge you to attend the 2021 virtual General Assembly as a voting … Read more

Candidate for UUA Board of Trustees

The Fifth Principle Project is announcing that one of its co-founders, Jay Kiskel, has decided to run by petition for a position on the UUA Board of Trustees.  Per the UUA bylaws, an individual may submit their name for consideration by obtaining 50 signatures with no more than ten signatures from a single congregation. An … Read more

Letter Concerning the Proposed 8th Principle

The Proposed 8th Principle The proposed wording of the 8th Principle is: “We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.” The … Read more

Towards a New Ministry to Truth

by Guest Contributor, Richard A. Kellaway The UUA and the UUMA should act immediately to establish a new MINISTRY OF TRUTH. We need to be at the cutting edge of fundamental reform. There is no need to create a design. It can be found readily in George Orwell’s novel 1984. That agency’s responsibility was to … Read more

We Quit – UU Ministers Resign from UUMA

“We Quit” Letter To:  UUMA Board of Trustees                                                               September 15, 2020 From:  Disaffected Colleagues We write to express our profound disappointment with recent developments in the UUMA and its new norms of thought, behavior, and procedure.  We highlight below three of the most relevant events of the past year or so. Public Letters of … Read more

New UU Theology

by Frank Casper It is important before reading this piece that the reader know that it is largely about theology, and specifically about theology at the UUA as presented at this year’s General Assembly. I am writing it because it is something I have always been interested in and believe to be important. I believe … Read more