Results of Mini-Assembly
Below are the results of the June 3, 2024 Mini-Assembly. Approximately 240 people participated and voted on two amendments to the General Assembly Rules of Procedure.
One amendment passed that allows the sponsor of a proposition the “last word” after the close of the Pro/Con discussion. This amendment will now be voted upon at General Assembly and must achieve support from 80% of voting delegates to become an adopted rule.
Amendment to Rule 9 of the Rules of Procedure – Submitted by Mac Goekler: Gives the proposer 90 seconds at the end of the discussions to respond to any comments made from the Pro/Con lines.
- In Favor of Amendment: 272 (54.6%)
- Against Amendment: 228 (45.4)
The second amendment would allow more time for sponsors to present their proposal and significantly increase overall debate time for Article II amendments and Article II was defeated.
Amendment to Rule 9 of the Rules of Procedure – Submitted by Katherine Hyde: Increases speaker time to 150 second; gives amendment sponsors 5 minutes to present their amendment; increases overall discussion time for each Article II amendment to 60 minutes; and increases the discussion time for the Final Article II Proposal to 90 minutes.
- In Favor of Amendment: 139 (27.2%)
- Against Amendment: 363 (72.3%)
Update on Jacksonville Statement
In a previous Discussion Post, we published a letter from the UU Church of Jacksonville, Florida in which they provided their well-considered rationale for not supporting the proposed Article II language. We then heard from several congregations that shared their congregation’s decision on Article II. Since the UUA controls all avenues of communications, we have no way to fully understand the sentiment within the denomination.
The data below shows there is some active participation in preparing for the Article II vote. We have relied upon “reporting of others” and can not independently confirm the accuracy of the data below.
- All Souls UU, Sioux Falls, SD 29 against, 0 in favor
- Blue Hills UU Fellowship, WI, against
- Boca Raton, voted against
- Clemson, SC, voted against
- Hartford, CT, 64 against, 1 in favor
- Park Forest, IL, 25 against, 0 in favor, 3 abstain
- Sandy Springs, GA, split vote 19 opposed, 21 in favor; four delegates will split their vote.
- Tampa, FL, 47 opposed, 10 in favor
- UU Church of Akron, against
- UU Gainesville, FL, 24 against, 40 in favor, 5 abstain
Two Important Things
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Unitarian Universalist Church of Washington County (OR) voted FOR Article II. It was reported to me that 51-55 people voted for it which was a majority. I have tried to verify this on their website but the information was not available.
Last year in Ludington, Michigan (West Shore UU but we call ourselves “People’s Church) a near unanimous straw vote showed almost all opposed. Our business meeting this year is on June 16. We will have a secret ballot taken for the straw vote this year. Two delegates are well informed as they also served as delegates last year.
Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte (NC) voted 122 yes 35 no. For a congregation of 515, we got only 30% participation.
The UU Fellowship of Corvallis, OR had a straw vote at the Annual Meeting. Of 340 members, 115 attended. 78 supported Article II and 28 opposed.
Check out some of the discussions my husband and I have been having about the changes. Hopefully, more people will make videos, too! This worth discussion 👏
[playlist- article 2 chalice chat ](
I watched this and some of the other videos on this channel and recommended them to some other folks. There can be a kind of bubble about what kind of discussions are taking place, and I appreciate this process of sharing your studies of sources, impressions and discussions.
Did a Google search today, and this was what I was able to find in congregation’s online postings: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of San Dieguito UUFSD has spoken. Our vote on support for the UUA article 2 revision proposal is complete. 50% of our members submitted a ballot. Of those: 56 voted no, do not change article 2 at this time 23 voted yes, use the new submitted text 9 abstained West Hills Unitarian Universalist FellowshipRecent Article II Straw Poll ResultsMarch 29, 2024 • The Straw Poll on UUA Article 2 Revision is closed and the votes have been tallied! (Drum roll please.)… Read more »
I am told by a member of Sky Island UU in Sierra Vista, AZ, that the congregation voted, by secret ballot, 2/3 against the Article II rewrite and 1/3 in favor.