We are posting another video in the Fifth Principle Project Sermon Series, Conversations with Rev. Todd Eklof, minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane, recorded on February 19, 2023. In this video, Rev. Eklof addresses the following topics.
- Is hierarchy evil?
- What is the difference between progressive and liberal?
- Covenantal or liberal religion
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This video is an excerpt from the UU Church of Spokane, Sunday First Service: Conversations with Todd.
Two Important Things
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Join the Fifth Principle Project. It’s free. The Fifth Principle Project is an organic grassroots initiative to gather into community Unitarian Universalists who want to reinvigorate the right of conscience and renew the democratic process in the governing of our denomination.
I am sympathetic with your efforts, but I don’t have time to watch videos. Please post transcripts.
17.5 minutes is all this takes
It’s all too easy to make a transcript.
A possible topic for future discussion might be whether a religious denomination can be both liberal and covenantal – i.e. incorporating, to one degree or another, both the liberal and the covenantal in its teachings and practices.
Good treatment of the difference between liberalism and far left “progressivism”.
progressivism is just another word for communism
I always listen to Todd expecting to disagree with him, and often enough I do, but never as much as I expect.
I really appreciated the thoughts from Rev. Eklof on “the humanistic ethic” (which he attributes to Erich Fromm, though I can’t find a source where Fromm ever summarized it in the way Eklof does). Thank you for posting this.
Humanism was originally about so much more than atheism, and it seems that even the UU humanists forgot about this, which made the UUA more vulnerable to being captured by an illiberal ideology that is fundamentally incompatible with humanism.