We are making an urgent appeal to all 2024 General Assembly delegates to attend a pre-General Assembly Mini-Assembly on June 3 at 7:00 PM Eastern (6:00 PM Central, 5:00 PM Mountain, 4:00 PM Pacific)
Mini-Assembly to Discuss Rules of Procedure for GA
During the online June 1 Mini-Assembly, two amendments to the Rules of Procedure that govern GA will be discussed. We are urging delegates to vote “yes” on these two amendments.
Time Limits for Discussion
Two amendments seek greater time for discussion during General Assembly.
Rebuttal Time at the End of Discussion
Sponsor: Mac Goekler
The intent of this amendment is to allow a sponsor at the end of the discussion to summarize or clarify comments made at the Pro/Con lines.
Current Rule
- For item types with an overall time limit, sponsors will have up to 90 seconds to present their submissions, with additional Pro/Con discussion time as determined by the Moderator.
Amendment in bold
- For item types with an overall time limit, sponsors will have up to 90 seconds to present their submissions and will be allowed an additional 90 seconds at the end of the discussions to respond to any of the comments made from the Pro/Con lines, with additional Pro/Con discussion time as determined by the Moderator.
Extension of Overall Time for Discussion
Sponsor: Kathrine Hyde
There is a three-fold intent of this amendment. The first is to allow people at the Pro/Con line more time to share their thoughts.
Current Rule
- During discussion time, delegates may speak on the item up for discussion from the Pro or Con line for up to ninety seconds when it is their turn.
Amendment in strikethrough and bold
- During discussion time, delegates may speak on the item up for discussion from the Pro or Con line for up to [ninety] one hundred fifty seconds when it is their turn.
The second intent of the amendment is to increase the time sponsors have to present their submissions. Note Mac Goekler’s amendment, outlined earlier, requested rebuttal time but not an increase in presentation time.
Current Rule
- For item types with an overall time limit, sponsors will have up to 90 seconds to present their submissions, with additional Pro/Con discussion time as determined by the Moderator.
Amendment in strikethrough and bold
- For item types with an overall time limit, sponsors will have up to [90 seconds] 5 minutes (300 seconds) to present their submissions, with additional Pro/Con discussion time as determined by the Moderator
The third intent of this amendment is to increase the overall time allocated for discussion related to Article II during General Sessions.
Current Rule
- Amendments to Article II proposal (individual), 15 minutes in General Sessions II, III
- Full Article II Proposal, including any approved amendments, 30 minutes in General Session IV
Amendment in strikethrough and bold
- Amendments to Article II proposal (individual), 15 60 minutes in General Sessions II, III
- Full Article II Proposal, including any approved amendments, 30 90 minutes in General Session IV
Two-Step Procedure for Adoption
To be adopted at the Mini-Assembly, amendments must receive support from 50% of voting delegates. Such amendments will then be added to the General Assembly agenda.
On the first day of General Assembly, the amendments to the Rules of Procedure approved at the Mini-Assembly will be voted upon.
Mini-assembly ballots will stay open for 24 hours on the Delegate Platform. See the Access Your Ballot button at the top of the delegate.uua.org portal.
To Attend and Vote at the Mini-Assembly
To attend and vote,
- Must be registered as an attendee for General Assembly
- Your congregation has designated or accepted your request to be a delegate
- Your congregation has recorded your delegate status with the UUA
- You received an email providing you with your delegate credentials, allowing you access to the delegate.uua.org portal
Access to the Zoom Link for the Mini-Assembly
It is unclear how to access the Zoom link for the Mimi-Assembly. The directions on the delegate.uua.org portal read, “A Zoom access link will be active shortly before the meeting begins.”
If an email notification is not received, it is recommended that you access the delegate.uua.org portal and check for a Zoom link to the Mimi-Assembly.
Would I be able to attend the mini-Assembly if our church president is still working out the delegate details? I haven’t gotten any credentials yet. I didn’t know whether I’d be able to be a delegate, and just talked with her about signing up for sure last week. She said last week she’ll be talking with the UUA tomorrow (Monday, June 3).
You have to have your credentials to attend the mini-assembly. The link to the mini-assembly will be on the delegate platform.
If you miss the assembly, you can still vote, as long as you get your credentials while the voting window is still open.
Alrighty, thank you so much!