Fifth Principle Project

Join the Fifth Principle Project

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What is the Fifth Principle Project?

The Fifth Principle Project is a grassroots initiative to gather into community Unitarian Universalists who want to reinvigorate the right of conscience and renew the democratic process in the governance of our denomination.

This grassroots movement was initiated with a letter to more than 1,000 congregations because it has become apparent that our denominational governing body has lost touch with the spirit of its mission of servant leadership to members and congregations, and drifted to a topdown, ideologically-driven governing model.  Only by exercising our collective voting power, can we have a voice in setting the direction of our faith movement.

We seek to restore our 5th principle as the governing principle of our denomination.

The current at-large nature of the UUA Board of Trustees renders the board:

  • Unaccountable to the free and independent congregations it is required to serve.
  • Isolates it from diversity of perspectives on the nature and direction of our faith movement.

Join the Fifth Principle Project

Joining the Fifth Principle Project is critical to growing this grassroots initiative. Every Voice Deserves a Vote. The more voices that join advances our ability to achieve the goals of the Fifth Principle Project.   Join Now.

Goals of the Fifth Principle Project

  • Provide for the  regional election of members of the UUA Board of Trustees
  • Re-establish local clusters of congregations within regions
  • Support the implementation of  recommendations from the December 2009 Fifth Principle Task Force

How Can I Get Involved?